Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Using Clues to Make Inferences.

WALT find clues that the author has given us in the text to form our opinion and share our thinking.
The Raphael reading group read an online article about WNBA star, Maya Moore. She described her journey to being a professional basketball player. We had to find and summarise important information about her, as well as use inferencing skills to work out who her hero might be.

This is Ricky and Aumau's DLO about Maya Moore.


  1. I really like your hero it really good and cool, Make sure you type some feelings about your hero you choose.

  2. I like the way you said that her mum is like a her that is kind

  3. Ricky,
    I like the way you put in heaps of information to describe your hero.
    Maybe next time change your background to make your information readable.
    Besides that keep it up!

  4. Hi Ricky,
    I like the way you put lots of information and I really like your hero
