Friday, 20 March 2015

NRL Maths Round 3

This week we recorded our correct predictions on a graph, then adding each team's FOR and AGAINST totals, recorded them and used them to predict who will win this weeks games.
Below are Akanesi's results graph and her predictions for round 3 of the NRL.


  1. Hi Room 8,
    I like the way that you guys know what to do on NRL aths I tried to do it but it was hard so I always wanted to do so can you help.But I have one question When did you learn how to do the NRL maths.

  2. hi room 8 great gob in the nrl maths keep it up i will like to see more

  3. Hi room 8 I like the way you guys used NRL that is my favourite sport
    Keep it the good work

  4. Hi Room 8,
    i like the way you were being an creative class and working hard.
    I like the way you were a creative knowledge.
    Keep that work up Room 8!!!

  5. Nice work Room 8,
    You guys know allot about NRL maths
    Sometime yous should teach the Kia mia syncicate.

  6. Hi Room 8,
    I really love the way how you guys are being creative class and working hard.
    I like the way how you guys are using good knowledge.
    Keep Keep it up!

  7. Hi room 7,
    I like the you guys were being creative and working hard keep it up.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. WOW you guys have done great at maths and I think it is really cool and so I really like it,KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!
