Friday, 20 March 2015

NRL Maths Round 3

This week we recorded our correct predictions on a graph, then adding each team's FOR and AGAINST totals, recorded them and used them to predict who will win this weeks games.
Below are Akanesi's results graph and her predictions for round 3 of the NRL.

Friday, 13 March 2015

NRL Maths. Finding data to make predictions.

Today we began our NRL Maths project. Students use the NRL website to find results of the previous week's games. Then they add the points for and against to create each teams totals. They compare the totals of each team, and their win-loss record to predict who will win this week's matches.

These are Lovey's predictions, based on the maths data.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Using Clues to Make Inferences.

WALT find clues that the author has given us in the text to form our opinion and share our thinking.
The Raphael reading group read an online article about WNBA star, Maya Moore. She described her journey to being a professional basketball player. We had to find and summarise important information about her, as well as use inferencing skills to work out who her hero might be.

This is Ricky and Aumau's DLO about Maya Moore.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Inferencing: Horton Hatches the Egg

We are learning to share our opinions about characters' and events we read about. We form our opinions based on the information we read. So when we make a statement, we should be able to use clues left by the author as evidence.

This are Ricky's inferential statements about Horton & Mayzie.

Speaking Positively About Myself

As part of our Room 8 Success Pyramid, our class thought that talking positively about ourselves is a big part of being successful.
We thought about what it might look like and sound like for each person if we were to find the positive things about ourselves. This is Kaitati's positive self-talk.

Problem Solving

Sifa is sharing his problem solving thinking.

Heroism is Subjective

Subjective means looking at something from someone else's perspective (point of view). Sometimes a hero is a villain to a villain. Sometimes a villain can be a hero to other villains. It depends on how they feel.
We investigated the characters from the Megamind story and analysed the events from each of their different perspectives.


We created characters and used narrative structure to write an adventure story in pairs. This is Re'Al and Leilani's narrative about Superdog!

Ana's Alphabet

We had to work our way through the alphabet and think of words we can use to describe ourselves or link to activities we have done, or want to do.